Works by Александра Александровна Аргамакова

  1.  18
    Incommensurability of Theories as Incompatibility of Taxonomic Categories.Александра Александровна Аргамакова - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (3):102-121.
    This article explores the explanation of incommensurable theories as alternative conceptual schemes based on different categorical or taxonomic structures. The concept of incommensurability, which is a cornerstone of the late philosophy of Thomas Kuhn, is elucidated, reflecting his approach to avoid assessing the history of science in terms of the truth and falsity of scientific paradigms. It is shown how Kuhn has combined Frege – Russell’s descriptivist semantics and the causal theory of reference by Hilary Putnam and Saul Kripke. His (...)
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    Смешанная методология социальных наук.Александра Александровна Аргамакова - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (4):212-224.
    This text is devoted to the question of using mixed methods in social sciences. The attention is paid to the positions of leaders in the field, articulated by the uplevel “Journal of Mixed Methods Research”. The main results and discussions on the journal’s pages will be outlined briefly. As scholars note, mixed methods provide an integrative methodology in social sciences and a third paradigm beyond quantitative and qualitative approaches within social research. The third methodological paradigm is distinguished by pluralism and (...)
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  3. Natural and Other Kinds.Александра Александровна Аргамакова - 2025 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 62 (1):67-76.
    Real notion is distinct from nominal one and connected with objective borderlines and essential properties of objects. Do scientists know the real natural kinds or produce schemas and concepts in theories from constructive activity of imagination and, therefore, group objects by pragmatic means of language, rather than in accordance to world structure? Does the differentiation of sciences follow the orders of things or is it influenced by the social and communicative nature of science? Can we mix a sort of constructivism (...)
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